Apr 13, 2011

Escapism ?

Are we an escapist type of society ? escapist type of individuals ?

In hard times most of us don't want to face reality because we don't know how to handle ourselves, most of all our own thoughts. I realized that many outlets are provided to us to "escape" our troubles. Whether its going to a movie, shopping, taking a vacation, listening to music, keeping busy, drinking, or even meditating. Then I asked myself do we actually ever succeed in escaping our problems ?

We may temporarily succeed but in actuality our troubles will always be there until we learn to accept the problem and choose to devote some time to reflect on what triggers us. These outlets can definitely be vehicles to ease the pain however when done excessively it can take us so far away from our own reality that we no longer know how to come back. I think Ive come to realize that using all these other outlets except for meditation can be good only for a short period of time. I believe that meditation is different from all other outlets as it forces one to reflect on ones life purpose and issues instead of temporarily masking our truth. Meditation allows one to come face to face with truth, It enables an individual to open ones heart and actually feel what it is that awakens us.

1 comment:

  1. What I forgot to mention however, is that this is all easier said than done ! So although we may know whats best for us and although we know how to come face to face with reality its the hardest aspect to tackle ...so my next thought is what makes this process difficult ? Are we afraid of what we may discover about ourselves ? Are we afraid of realizing our own potentials ? ... thoughts on this ?
